ARCADIAN-IoT end-users surveys

ARCADIAN-IoT researchers value your opinion!

In the context of the project’s Work Package 2, ARCADIAN-IoT partners have developed several surveys to involve relevant end-users and stakeholders in the definition of novel security and privacy technologies for the future IoT.

Your views are very relevant to us!

ARCADIAN-IoT researchers value your opinion!
Domain A

(regular users)

ARCADIAN-IoT researchers value your opinion!
Domain B

(grid infrastructure managers/owners)

ARCADIAN-IoT researchers value your opinion!
Domain C

(citizens/patients/potential users of medical devices)

ARCADIAN-IoT researchers value your opinion!
Domain C

(doctors, nurses, other medical staff)

ARCADIAN-IoT researchers value your opinion!
CTI component

(cybersecurity teams/experts)

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